Competition Handicap Details

Current comp is 8 at Eastham Lodge
Cut all is false
Number to cut is 3
Number of golfers in comp is 13
Dropping 2 scores
Comp adjusted average 26
Cutting scores of 29 and above

Members playing this comp

Golfer Old Handicap Old Playing Handicap Score Adjustment New Handicap New Playing Handicap
A Griffiths -23.0 -23 25 0.3 -23.3 -23
A Markert -24.1 -24 24 0.6 -24.7 -25
C Gibbons -24.2 -24 21 1.5 -25.7 -26
C Markert +2.8 +3 29 -0.6 +3.4 +3
C Rigby -27.3 -27 29 -1.2 -26.1 -26
D Eastham -26.4 -26 23 0.9 -27.3 -27
J Pickervance -16.0 -16 22 0.8 -16.8 -17
K Brown -41.1 -41 29 -1.5 -39.6 -40
M Moore -30.7 -31 23 0.9 -31.6 -32
M Toole -24.7 -25 26 0.0 -24.7 -25
P Greenwood -24.3 -24 21 1.5 -25.8 -26
P Johnson -24.2 -24 27 0.0 -24.2 -24
R Swift -14.7 -15 31 -1.5 -13.2 -13

Members not playing this comp

Golfer Handicap Playing Handicap
A Railton 17.9 18
B Rickards 36.2 36
C Claire 34.6 35
C McMillan 14.2 14
D Crampton 25.0 25
D Fleming 22.4 22
D Mines 13.0 13
E Collins 30.5 31
G Southern 43.0 43
G Vernon 31.4 31
I Broughton 35.0 35
I Randles 25.5 26
J Blackburn-Woods 7.0 7
J Trainer 37.0 37
K Mara 30.2 30
K Reece 34.5 35
M Baxendale 24.0 24
M Broughton 23.0 23
M Pennington 27.0 27
M Scott 28.1 28
M Wood 18.0 18
N Ashton 16.0 16
N Helsby 12.2 12
N Maffitt 17.0 17
P Anders 18.0 18
P Swift 37.2 37
R Mathias 32.5 33
S Lamb 15.0 15
T Knockton 31.8 32
V Mason 8.3 8

Category Details

The following table shows the current category details that the handicap adjustments are calculated against.

Our handicaps are grouped in categories which control the rate at which handicaps can be changed both up and down.

We cut the top 3 scores (not places) at the number of shots above the comp average multiplied by their category cut rate up to the category Max Shots Cut.

We give all scores below comp average shots back calculated in a similar way to shots cut but using the category back rates and max levels.

Category Min Handicap Max Handicap Shots Back Rate Shots Cut Rate Max Shots Back Max Shots Cut
1 10 -8 0.2 0.2 2 5
2 -9 -16 0.2 0.3 2 5
3 -17 -28 0.3 0.4 3 5
4 -29 -54 0.3 0.5 3 5

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