Guests Handicaps 2021

Society Guests play off of a handicap of 18 until they have played with us 3 times and a more appropriate handicap can be set or they volunteer a lower handicap based on their experience. Guests are reminded that a real playing handicap that they may have with a golf club bears little relationship to our society handicaps as we are rated against each other and not a course. Your society handicap will typically be 4 or mor shots lower than your club handicap.

Keeping Up

Think of others and let’s get rid of slow play.

Order of Merit 2020

Another season… another chance for glory!

Winners 2020

Who won what and where!

Member Handicaps 2020

One of my favorite things to do is play golf, The people are nice, and there’s wildlife all around the course. As far as my game itself, I can go from a 16 handicap to a 36, depending on the day.


The test of good manners is to be able to put up pleasantly with bad ones.

Competition Handicap Details

Some stats detail from the last competition from the handicap point of view.

Order of Merit 2019

Another season… another chance for glory!

Member Handicaps 2019

One of my favorite things to do is play golf, The people are nice, and there’s wildlife all around the course. As far as my game itself, I can go from a 16 handicap to a 36, depending on the day.

Winners 2019

Who won what and where!

Guests Handicaps 2019

Society Guests play off of a handicap of 18 until they have played with us 3 times and a more appropriate handicap can be set or they volunteer a lower handicap based on their experience. Guests are reminded that a real playing handicap that they may have with a golf club bears little relationship to our society handicaps as we are rated against each other and not a course. Your society handicap will typically be 4 or mor shots lower than your club handicap.

Superstitions and Nightmares

How can you have a Big Day Out without a Big Turnout? It’s like ‘Friday the 13th’ without Jason (no not our Jason, he’ll be there on Friday)